
[TIS글로벌센터] 사립 리츠메이칸대학 영어학위프로그램 웨비나 개최안내

조회수 200


일본대학 G30(Global30) 입시전형 전문


사립 리츠메이칸대학에서

영어학위 프로그램에 관심있는 학생들을 위해

아래와 같이 웨비나를 개최할 예정이라고 합니다.

리츠메이칸대학 웨비나는

각각의 사이트에서 사전신청 후

참여하실 수 있습니다.

<Webinar 1: Ask us! How to Apply to our English-medium Undergraduate Programs>

일정: 2023년 7월 22일 (토) 13:00

세부내용: When and how do I submit documents?

Where can I find information on the application process?

What documents should I prepare?

We will walk you through each step of your application to Ritsumeikan University's English-medium programs. In this session, you can...

- Get a practical application guide and admission tips.

- Ask questions directly to an admissions officer.

Suitable for international + Japanese students who are thinking of applying to Ritsumeikan University for April 2024 enrollment or September 2024 enrollment.


<Webinar 2: Meet Students! Round-Table Talk>

일정: 2023년 7월 29일 (토) 14:00

세부내용: Come join the conversion and hear from current students:

- Why did they choose RU?

- How many hours do they spend on assignments and prep. for classes?

- What are their favorite classes?

The main session will be followed by a Q&A segment. RU students are looking forward to answering your questions!

We will invite RU students from

- College of Global Liberal Arts (GLA Major)

- College of International Relations (GS Major)

- College of Information Science and Engineering (ISSE Major)


Tel. 051-746-5805 | Fax. 051-797-8656 |
Addr. 5F. Hongjung B/D, 600, Haeundae-ro, Haeundae-gu, Busan-si, 48094 Republic of Koreaㅣ 

Biz License 865-88-00555

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